Connections & Pooling

Pooling - psycopg2


from psycopg2.pool import PersistentConnectionPool

pool = PersistentConnectionPool(1, 20, database='db_name')
dqo.DB = dqo.Database(sync_src=pool)

Note that if your doing anything other than exiting after you’re done (ie. cleaning up unit tests) you’ll want to call pool.closeall() after your code has run to clean up the pool’s connections.

Pooling - asyncpg

import asyncpg

pool = asyncpg.create_pool(database='db_name')
dqo.DB = dqo.Database(async_src=pool)

Note that if your doing anything other than exiting after you’re done (ie. cleaning up unit tests) you’ll want to call await pool.close() after your code has run to clean up the pool’s connections.